The Digital Society Conference 2016 - Defending Democracy, Increasing innovation


In our digital age, democracy is at risk. Military cyber attackers infiltrate democratic processes and institutions, while totalitarian states stabilize by massive surveillance and censorship. International mass surveillance undermines civil and human rights and erodes trust in digitization. Knowledge and opinion on the Internet are increasingly fabricated and abused to manipulate societies on a mass scale. Economies are weakened by sabotage and espionage. More and more problems become visible, many of which could be solved by better innovation or stronger regulation. But political, economic and technological responses are still slow and ineffective. 

The international "The Digital Society Conference 2016 - Defending Democracy, Increasing innovation" wants to shed light on these issues. The two day conference will bring leading scientists, practitioners and decision-makers together to provide insights into the new, the evolved and the most challenging problems of privacy and security and to propose legal, industrial and technical solutions.

Panel: Digital Sovereignty

Martin Schallbruch, Deputy Director, DSI
Dr. Stefan Heumann, Stiftung Neue Verantwortung


Dr. Stefan Heumann (Mitglied der Geschäftsführung)

11/22/2016 - 4:00pm to 4:30pm