Credible attribution and Russian operations in cyberspace


In their 148th edition of the "Chaillot Papers", the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) focused on cyber operations and what to do about it. For the publication entitled "Hacks, leaks and disruptions: Russian cyber strategies", Sven Herpig co-authored an article with Thomas Reinhold from the Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Hamburg (IFSH). Their article "Spotting the bear: Credible attribution and Russian operations in cyberspace" discusses how attribution works and why public attribution is important to further enrich the debate of political responses to foreign cyber operations.

Erschienen bei: 
Chaillot Paper No 148 des European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS)
23. Oktober 2018

Thomas Reinhold (IFSH) und Sven Herpig
