Stefan Heumann spricht auf dem European Cyber Security Forum


CYBERSEC’S mission is to build a platform for cooperation among the representatives of governments, non-governmental organisations, and key private sector entities in order to develop strategic decisions enhancing the level of cybersecurity in Europe.

The CYBERSEC forum is the first of its kind in Poland and one of just a few regular public policy conferences in Europe devoted to the strategic issues of cyberspace and cybersecurity.

The goal of CYBERSEC is the formulation of practical recommendations that aim to increase resilience to cyber threats within specific economic sectors, states, and the EU as a whole. The recommendations will help to strengthen cooperation between the Visegrad Group, the states of the Baltic sea Basin and other states of Central Europe in protecting cyberspace.

The result of the annual CYBERSEC forum will be a strong impulse to develop solutions aiming towards an increased level of cybersecurity in Europe and the trans-atlantic area.