Intelligence Oversight Innovation Tour

Round Table

Following the adoption of important new surveillance legislations in many European countries, the Privacy Project is currently reaching out to intelligence agency review bodies and surveillance experts in various EU member states. Next to comparing notes on recent intelligence reforms, we study oversight challenges and possible new solutions across different regimes. 

We are particularly grateful to include the perspectives of full-time oversight practitioners in this endeavour. On March 21st, Thorsten Wetzling met with the chairman Harm Brouwer and other members of the CTIVD. The discussion focussed among other things on the envisaged Dutch authorisation system for strategic surveillance and the implementation of the new duty of care provision (Zorgpflicht). On March 24th, Thorsten Wetzling was invited by the Chairman of the Belgian Standing Intelligence Agencies Review Committee, Guy Rapaille, to engage in a public exchange with comittee members on Belgian and German intelligence reform and oversight practice/deficits (see program below). 


Dr. Thorsten Wetzling

24.03.2017 bis 24.04.2017
Dr. Thorsten Wetzling